Something in me vibrates to a dusky, dreamy smell of dying moons and shadows. – Zelda Fitzgerald

Asheville pet photographer This is Baxter and he is seriously the sweetest hunk of bean you have ever seen. His mom says he was born of butterscotch parents because he is so full of sweetness. He is so sensitive about feelings and his favorite thing is being loved and hugged and will follow you everywhere to get it. He will gently just lay there letting you give him sweet kisses all day, which I kind of did. His mom is super rad too, check out her site because she is a HUGE advocate for pit bulls – Pinups for Pitbulls website and FB page.
Asheville Pet Photogrpaher This is Lunar. Stunning… isn’t he? He is the cutest little rescue pibble and so full of energy. He kind of reminds me of an Italian soccer player. Short, all muscle and so very handsome – he also likes the girls especially Nayeli. Here are a few photos from this morning. I didn’t quite get the photo I was visualizing, so next week we are going into the woods, with a cape, tall trees and magical light. I think in his secret life that he is a superhero. ps. check out the blog of Lunar’s mom. She is an incredible painter of dogs and other things! Click on the gallery for more photos! asheville pet photographer This is Nayeli and she is the cutest little fruit bat as her mom calls her. I like to call her a little chicken nugget either way, she is a big dog personality in a little dog body, for sure. She was running around fast and furious for the other dogs to catch her and really… they just couldn’t.
click on the slideshow for more photos! ![]()